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Content Compliance Operating Model

Make sure that you have all of the right pieces in place to manage your content compliance in the best possible way

The concept of making sure that all the right pieces are in place

Monica, Marketing Head

"We now realise that to get to our ideal way of managing content compliance, that we have to change quite a few things.


For example, we need to change the way that Marketing and Compliance work together. We also need to design and implement standardised best practice processes, procedures and SLAs.


And of course, we need to have a system that helps the content creators understand what compliance information needs to be included in their content.


Lots of different things to work on!" â€‹

Get an operating model which will meet the regulatory requirements in the most efficient and effective way

Achieving an efficient and effective way of complying with content related regulations often requires changes to different aspects of your “operating model”.


Most typically, changes are needed to the compliance related processes and the associated technology but, changes can also be needed to aspects such as:


  • Roles and responsibilities

  • Use of 3rd party suppliers

  • The management of compliance rules and wording


We have extensive operating model experience and can help:


  • Design your ideal compliance operating model

  • Develop a practical approach and plan to implement that ideal model

When to work on your compliance operating model

Diagram showing where in the project lifecycle, Athena's Compliance Operating Model service can be used

Work on your operating model could be needed in several different phases:


  • During the Initial Discovery, it is helpful to understand the current operating model and to identify any aspects that are not working as well as they should be

  • In the Solution Identification phase, it is important to identify any changes to be made to the operating model

  • If operating model changes are required, the details of these changes will be agreed in the Solution Design phase

  • Solution Implementation, is the phase when the changes will be made

  • In the Evaluation phase, the impact / effect of the operating model changes will be assessed against what was expected

Want to find out:


  • More about this service?

  • How you can manage your content compliance in the best possible way?

to arrange an initial exploratory discussion

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