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Content Compliance Health Check

Establish where you are today, where you want to be and how to make key improvements, fast!

A man using a computer system to complete a health check assessment

Paul, Marketing

"Before we did the health check, we thought that a new workflow system would solve all of our main issues.


The health check showed that was wrong.


We still need a workflow system but more importantly, we need a system to help us with disclaimers and risk warnings."

Defining the ideal 
and the best way of getting there

In as little as 2 weeks and with light touch engagement with your teams, the health check:


  • Assesses the current way of working and identifies:

    • Risks or issues

    • Improvement opportunities


  • Defines the ideal way of working … what and how


  • Provides practical recommendations for achieving the ideal


Typically, our health check identifies fast and practical ways of reducing:


  • The compliance related workload for both content creators and content approvers


  • Number of elapsed days needed to complete the content approval process


  • Risk of non-compliant content being approved and used

When to use the Health Check

Diagram showing where in the project lifecycle, Athena's Health Check service can be used

The Health Check is primarily designed to help with the Initial Discovery phase.


However, it can also be used:


  • To help with identification of the right solution(s)

  • To evaluate the impact of the new solutions after they have been implemented

Want to find out:


  • More about this service?

  • How you can manage your content compliance in the best possible way?

to arrange an initial exploratory discussion

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